The Team

Dr. Bankim Chandra Ray
Professor - HAG
e-mail: bcray@nitrkl.ac.in; drbcray@gmail.com
Phone: +91-661-2462559 (O), +91-9437221560 (M)

Mr. Rajesh Patnaik
Technical Assistant
e-mail: rpatnaik@nitrkl.ac.in; rajanita999@yahoo.com
Phone: +91-661-2464560 (O), +91-9437105404 (M)

Mr. Bibhu Prasanna Sahoo
Executive PhD Research Scholar (From SAIL-Rourkela Steel Plant)
Research Interest: Interface engineering of CFRP Composites through carbon nanotube grafting
e-mail:S.bibhuprasanna@gmail.com; 919mm5079@nitrkl.ac.in
Phone: +91-9437883098/8895504530(M)

Mr. Pankaj Kumar
PhD Research Scholar
Research Interest: Developing nanophased Fiber Metal Laminates for Aerospace application and their Environmental durability studies
e-mail: pankajkumar767738@gmail.com; 523MM1003@nitrkl.ac.in
Phone: +91-7677382818(M)

Mr. Gandi Rohith
PhD Research Scholar
Research Interest: Exploring recycling techniques for waster FRP composites and their reuse
e-mail: rohithnitrkl@gmail.com; 523MM1004@nitrkl.ac.in
Phone: +91-9391126759(M)

Mr. Asthapuram Venkat Surya
B.Tech & M.Tech Dual Degree Scholar
Research Interest: Creep behaviour study of GFRP composites with z-directional aligned CNTs
e-mail: 720MM1012@nitrkl.ac.in
Phone: +91-8074922833 (M)

Mr. Thallam Arya
B.Tech & M.Tech Dual Degree Scholar
Research Interest: Co-deposition of G-COOH and CNT-COOH on to Carbon Fibers
e-mail: arya79273@gmail.com;721MM1042@nitrkl.ac.in
Phone: +91-9059379376 (M)

Mr. Abhijeet Das
B.Tech Student
Research Interest: Electrophoretic Deposition of CNT on bi-directional Carbon Fiber
e-mail: 120MM0356@nitrkl.ac.in
Phone: +91-7004932632(M)

Mr. Ajmeera Nikhil
B.Tech Student
Research Interest: Effect of Low Velocity Impact on Flexural Behavior of GFRP Composites
e-mail: 120MM0918@nitrkl.ac.in
Phone: +91-9676322409(M)

Mr. Twarakavi Venkata Satya Karthik
B.Tech Student
Research Interest: Effect of compression moulding temperature on the mechanical properties of GFRP Composites
e-mail: 120MM0762@nitrkl.ac.in
Phone: +91-8074885152 (M)

Ms. Purva Bhangale
B.Tech Student
Research Interest: Green Recycling routes for FRP Composites and their reuse
e-mail: 121MM0511@nitrkl.ac.in
Phone: +91-9579990819 (M)

Mr. Shashwat Bhardwaj
B.Tech Student
Research Interest: Temperature Effects on Fiber Metal Laminates
e-mail: 121MM0802@nitrkl.ac.in
Phone: +91-7739709863 (M)

Dr. Rajesh Kumar Prusty
Assistant Professor
e-mail: prustyr@nitrkl.ac.in; nitrkl.rajeshprusty@gmail.com
Phone: +91-661-2462598 (O), +91-9861133420 (M)

Mr. Devalingam Santhosh Kumar
Executive PhD Research Scholar (From MVGR College of Engineering (A), Vizianagaram, AP)
Research Interest: Achieving 3-D reinforcement in Natural fiber reinforced polymer composites
e-mail: dskumar@mvgrce.edu.in; 922mm5001@nitrkl.ac.in
Phone: +91-7396230314(M)

Mr. Parimal Jana
PhD Research Scholar
Research Interest: Aligning graphene along the through-thickness direction of laminated FRP Composites
e-mail: mailtopjana@gmail.com; 523MM1003@nitrkl.ac.in
Phone: +91-7319197042 (M)

Mr. Enamul Hussain Khan
MTech Scholar
Research Interest: Assessment of the properties of FRP Composites produced from reclaimed fibers after recycling
e-mail: khanmaterialsnitr@gmail.com; 222MM1234@nitrkl.ac.in
Phone: +91-9078767765 (M)

Mr. Shreesh Kumar Das
B.Tech & M.Tech Dual Degree Scholar
Research Interest: Developing Hybrid FRP Composites for Hydrogen Storage Tanks
e-mail: shreeshdas20@gmail.com; 721MM1045@nitrkl.ac.in Phone: +91-6370251284 (M)

Mr. Abhinash Mishra
B.Tech Student
Research Interest: Improving Out-of-Plane Performance of Laminated Composites
e-mail: 120MM0769@nitrkl.ac.in
Phone: +91-6372750422(M)

Mr. Kilney Wangchuk
B.Tech Student
Research Interest: Electrophoretic Deposition of CNT on bi-directional Carbon Fiber
e-mail: 120MM0378@nitrkl.ac.in
Phone: +91-7063220563(M)

Mr. Ajmeera Nikhil
B.Tech Student
Research Interest: Effect of Low Velocity Impact on Flexural Behavior of GFRP Composites
e-mail: 120MM0771@nitrkl.ac.in
Phone: +91-7386889654(M)

Mr. Ayush Das
B.Tech Student
Research Interest: Green Recycling routes for FRP Composites and their reuse
e-mail: 121MM0999@nitrkl.ac.in
Phone: +91-8114875755 (M)

Mr. Bhakti Bedanta Giri
B.Tech Student
Research Interest: Temperature Effects on Fiber Metal Laminates
e-mail: bhaktibedantagiri@gmail.com; 121MM0516@nitrkl.ac.in
Phone: +91-8895199425 (M)
Vacancies open for interested full time and sponsored (Executive) candidates for pursing PhD at FRP Composite Lab in the cutting edge research on advanced FRP Composites. Get the details below:
For any query, contact us:
+91-9861133420 (M), +91-9437221560 (M)