Congratulation Dr. B N V S Ganesh Gupta K for the award of PhD degree on 18th May 2023.
Congratulation Dr. Srinivasu Dasari for the award of PhD degree on 18th April 2023.
Congratulation Dr. Shubham for the award of PhD degree on 08th Feb 2023.
Congratulations to Dr. Shubham for being appointed as the Faculty at NIT Goa.
​Dr. Rajesh Kumar Prusty delivered an invited talk on "Advanced FRP Composite for Structural Application" on 15-12-2022 during the Short Term Course on Advanced Manufacturing Processes organized by MNIT Jaipur.
Prof. Bankim Chandra Ray delivered a technical talk delivered on 26-11-2022 at Rourkela Steel Plant (IIM Rourkela Chapter) on "Scientific Strength and Technical Tangibility of FRP Composites".
Prof. Bankim Chandra Ray delivered a Keynote Lecture on " Evolving Science and Technology of FRP Composites" at an International Conference on Advance in Material and Manufacturing Technology.
Prof. Bankim Chandra Ray delivered a technical talk delivered on 26/11/2022 at Rourkela Steel Plant (IIM Rourkela Chapter) on " Scientific Strength and Technical Tangibility of FRP Composites" to convey that the FRP Composite Material is not only a better option, but there is no other option .
Prof. Bankim Chandra Ray delivered a Keynote Lecture on " Evolving Science and Technology of FRP Composites" at an International Conference on Advance in Material and Manufacturing Technology on 26/11/2022.
Prof. Bankim Chandra Ray delivered a technical talk on " Evolving Enlivement of FRP Composites" at Jadavpur University ( Professor S Roy Memorial Lecture).
Prof. Rajesh Kumar Prusty delivered a LECTURE on "Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composites An emerging alternative material for Structural Applications" at the School of Mechanical Sciences Department of Polymer Engineering, B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology.
New!!!! A one-day laboratory visit for School Students to explore “Cutting Edge Research in the Field of FRP Composites” was conducted on 28th June 2022 by the Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering. This event was organised under SERB Scientific Social Responsibility Policy. Dr. Rajesh Kumar Prusty was the coordinator of the event. Fifteen students of standard 9th and 10th of REC campus high school, NIT Rourkela and fifteen students of standard 11th and 12th of St. Paul’s School, Rourkela, benefitted.
Technical lectures were delivered by Dr. Rajesh Kumar Prusty (Coordinator) and the Ph.D. scholars of the FRP composites laboratory. Demonstrations of FRP composite fabrication, mechanical characterisation and FRP product development were carried out.
Prof. Bankim Chandra Ray delivered a PLENARY LECTURE on "Material Recovery Strategies from Thermoset Composites" at the 13th Advancements in Polymeric Materials (APM 2022) conference organized by CIPET.
Research Scholar Ganesh Gupta K. and M.Tech (dual degree) scholar Bhaskar sen presented his work at a conference held at ICMPC 2020 held at GLA University, Meerut.
Research Scholar Srinivasu D. presented his work at a conference held at NIT Trichy during IMME 2019.
Prof. Bankim Chandra Ray delivered a talk on "FRP Composites: An Alternative Structural Material" at Jindal steels, Raigarh on 18 July 2019.
Prof. Bankim Chandra Ray delivered a speech titled " Environmental durability of nano-phased Fiber Reinforced Polymer composites" as a keynote speaker in an international conference on Corrosion, its monitoring and protection held at IIT Bhubaneswar 13th April 2019.
Prof. Bankim Chandra Ray was invited to deliver a speech titled " Synthesis of CNT reinforced FRP composites and its effects on marine environment durability" at VSSUT Burla, on 12th April 2019.
A memorandum of understanding (MoU) for collaborative working in aeronautics research and development is made by FRP composite lab, NIT Rourkela and UNSW, Sydney on March 2019.​
A customized short-term course has been conducted successfully for TATA Steel (New Materials Business) employees on "FRP Composites: An Introduction from Definition to Development" at The Bengal Club, Kolkata during 17 - 18 May 2018.