UTM with Environmental chamber
Make and Model: Instron 5967
Test temperature: -110 to 250 °C
Load range: up to 30 kN
Loading rate: up to 1000 mm/min
Test fixtures: Tensile and Flexural
To obtain the stress vs. strain response of materials at a particular temperature
Testing in liquid nitrogen bath
Testing can be done in a range of loading rate from a low to moderate value

Dynamic Mechanical Analyzer (DMA)
Make and Model: Netzsch DMA242E
Test temperature: -160 to 550 °C
Load range: up to 12 ± 12 N
Test fixtures: Tensile, Compression, Flexural, Single and dual cantilever
Test type: Standard DMA, Creep & Recovery, Stress relaxation
To identify the glassy and rubbery states of polymeric materials
Long-term creep performance of the materials
Can be used to predict the life time of the materials at a given temperature and stress

Alternating Differential Scanning Calorimetry-low temperature (ADSC)
Make and Model: Mettler Toledo DSC 822
Temperature range: -60 to 400 °C
Desired static and dynamic temperature cycle setting facility
Alternating cooling and heating
Heating rate: up to 60 °C/min
To determine the glass transition temperature of the polymeric materials
To detect the phase transformation in materials
Evaluation of thermal history of the materials
Fourier transformed Infra-red Spectroscopy-Attenuated Total Reflection (ATR) Microscope
Make and Model: Shimadzu IR Prestige-21
Infra-red range: 350 to 7800 cm-1
High sensitivity
Sample type: Solid and liquid
To obtain the FTIR spectra of powder and film materials
Microscope to identify a particular location for FTIR analysis
Attenuated Total Reflection
Humidity Chambers
Currently, there are 3 humidity chambers with temperature (10 to 70 °C) and relative humidity (up to 95%) control system
To study the kinetics of moisture absorption in polymeric temperature with various combinations of temperature and relative humidity.
To evaluate the impact of absorbed water on the structure and properties of the polymeric materials.
FRP composite fabrication Lab
Hand lay-up technique of FRP composite fabrication
Hot compression machine
Diamond tipped wheel cutter
Nanocomposite fabrication
2 No. of Ultra-sonicators
2 No. of Magnetic stirrers