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Research Themes


Development  of FRP composite for ballistic applications

It is generally observed that the failure strain increases significantly for hybrid composites compared with those of high-modulus and low-strain component of the hybrid composites. The strength also increases for hybrid composites compared with rule of mixtures predictions. The impact properties are also enhanced for hybrid composites compared with those of high-modulus and low-strain component of the hybrid composites. High strain rate loading is one of the possibilities in many structural applications. It has always been a case for concern that the mechanical properties of composite materials may be different at high strain rate loading compared with those at quasi-static loading. This necessitated to carry out investigations on how mechanical properties of composites would change with strain rate. The widely used technique for the determination of behaviour of composites under high strain rate loading is the split Hopkinson pressure bar (SHPB) apparatus. The working of this apparatus is based on one dimensional wave propagation theory in elastic bars.



Development  of Advanced Fiber Metal Laminates (FMLs) for structural applications

The use of composite materials has replaced traditional material because of their superior properties like low density, high strength to weight ratio, good fatigue and corrosion resistance. But on the contrary, these properties are degraded when exposed to harsh environmental conditions. Now a days various firms are attracted towards high performance materials, which meet the requirements in all aspects like economical, safety and environmental especially in automotive and structural application in view of reducing the fuel efficiency, carbon emissions,  improving the high load bearing capacity and to overcome the harsh environmental conditions. This is possible with different combination of materials such as Fiber Metal Laminates (FMLs). FMLs are combination of metals and fiber reinforced polymer composite materials which are adhesively bonded together alternatively. The intention of combining these two different materials is the compensation of their inherent weaknesses.



Adhesively bonded Metal/FRP-FRP joints

The efficient and economic structures are high in demand in various firms due to the lightweight requirement, a feasible joining of similar/dissimilar materials, safety and high durability. Adhesively bonded multi-material joints are coming into use in various structural applications like aerospace structures, ship buildings, civil infrastructures, automotive because of the potential utilization of the merits of individual constituents.



Recycling and Reuse of FRP composite waste

Fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) materials are increasingly used in several applications, especially in the construction and transportation industries. The composites industry is now producing a wide range of FRP products, including strengthening strips and sheets, reinforcing bars, structural profiles, sandwich panels, moulded planks, and piping. Owing to such high demand, FRP composites will definitely have a huge scope around the globe. But on the contrary, despite having numerous advantages of these FRP composites, the biggest problem arises with the disposal of the waste composite materials resulting from the end of life, or from production rejects, or even from the destructively tested samples which are kept aside once the mechanical characterization testing is completed. The waste management of FRP materials, particularly those made with thermosetting resins, is a critical issue for the composites industry because these materials cannot be reprocessed. With this continuous trend of the wastage, there will be a threat of the landfills and consequently, it will lead to environmental degradation. Even in some cases, after exposing FRP composites to different environments, their properties get degraded due to their inherent nature and ultimately these products are also discarded. To overcome this degradation, effect the recycling and reusing of FRP composites is a suitable option to process the discarded materials, which will prevent the threat of landfills and also results in economic development.

SCHOLAR CURRENTLY WORKING: B N V S Ganesh Gupta K, Abhinav. O. Fulmali, Srinivasu Dasari (Ph.D.) Scholars


CNT alignment in fibrous polymeric composites:

An approach towards 3-dimensional reinforcement. The use of FRP composites are restricted where out of plane mechanical properties have a significant role to play.  it is observed that with the random orientation of CNTs in the matrix, showed considerable increment in mechanical and thermal properties in the z-direction. These properties can further be improved by aligning CNTs in the z-direction. In this research, the alignment of CNTs in the longitudinal and transverse direction in the FRP composite with the application of the electric field and its effect on the mechanical and thermal properties will be studied.   

SCHOLAR CURRENTLY WORKING : Abhinav Fulmali (Ph.D.) Scholar


Development of nanophased FRP Composites

With an objective to improve the out-of-plane performance of FRP composites, nanofillers are being introduced into the FRP composites. Further the functionality of the nanofiller has significant role to play on the interfacial interaction and subsequent performance of the composite. In this regard, we have been trying to enhance the mechanical properties of FRP composites by incorporating nanofillers like CNT, graphene, CNF, nano SiO2, nano Al2O3 etc.


Carbon fiber surface modification by Electrophoretic deposition

Nanofillers may be added to the FRP Composite system in 2 possible ways, either (a) Matrix modification, or (b) Fiber modification. The latter one is a very modern evolution, where the fiber surface is decorated by nanofillers, like CNT or graphene. One of the possible ways to achieve so is by electrophoretic deposition (EPD) of the nanofillers on the fiber surface. However, the effects of many processing parameters of the EPD process on the performance of the final nanophased FRP Composites are yet to be explored.


Durability analysis of FRP composites in various harsh and hostile environments

Despite of various technological advantages, FRP composite materials sometimes degrade due to their interactions with environmental parameters, such as temperature, humidity, UV, γ and other high energy irradiations, thermal shock, thermal fatigue and so on. Hence it is very essential to predict the durability and reliability of such materials in the specific field of applications to prevent any unprecedented failure.


Study of in-service environmental temperature effects on FRP Composites

Temperature is one of the key environmental parameters which decides the durability of the structural materials for a particular application. Due to the differential co-efficient of thermal expansion of the constituents, thermal stresses are expected to be generated the interfaces upon change in service temperature. And, this thermal stress may be capable enough to alter the mechanical performance of the composite material to a significant extent. This may be studied either in form of mechanical testing (like tensile, flexural etc.) at a particular temperature or creep.


Sea water durability of FRP Composites

One of the massive potential application field of FRP Composites is the Naval sector. Hence, care must be taken to understand the sea water interaction of the FRP composites. The water/moisture ingression kinetics and effects of water diffusion on the mechanical performance of the FRP Composite are quite interesting in this context.  Further, the sea water durability of nanofiller embedded FRP Composites will certainly drive the potential applicability of these materials in such applications.         ©2024 by FRP Composite Lab.  NIT Rourkela, India - 769008       +91-661-2462598, +91-661-2462559

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